buildHtml baseUrl metaTags editButton /edit.html title Professional Car Detailing Services style.css header class hero nav div ShineElite class logo div class nav-links a Services href #services a Gallery href #gallery a About href #about a Book Now class cta-button href #booking div class hero-content h1 Transform Your Vehicle p Experience premium auto detailing that brings out your car's true brilliance a Schedule Now class primary-button href #booking main section id services class services h2 Our Services div class service-grid div class service-card div 🚗 class service-icon h3 Exterior Detail p Complete exterior cleaning, polishing, and protection span From $149 div class service-card div 💺 class service-icon h3 Interior Detail p Deep cleaning of all interior surfaces and materials span From $129 div class service-card div ✨ class service-icon h3 Premium Package p Comprehensive interior and exterior detailing span From $259 div class service-card div 🛡️ class service-icon h3 Ceramic Coating p Long-lasting protection for your vehicle's finish span From $599 section id gallery class gallery h2 Our Work div class gallery-grid div class before-after img Before alt Before detailing img After alt After detailing div class before-after img Before alt Before detailing img After alt After detailing div class before-after img Before alt Before detailing img After alt After detailing section id booking class booking h2 Book Your Service form class booking-form input type text placeholder Your Name required true input type email placeholder Email Address required true select required true option Select Service option Exterior Detail option Interior Detail option Premium Package option Ceramic Coating button Book Now type submit footer div class footer-content div class footer-links a Services href #services a Gallery href #gallery a Contact href #booking p Excellence in automotive care since 2010 script.js